Episode 2: Family Mission Statement


We wrote our family mission statement about a year ago in the hopes that it would steer our family towards Jesus.  We found four points that we want our family to follow throughout their lives.  If you are looking for direction for your family, a mission statement is a great place to start!  Start brainstorming and praying about what you want for your family and then put it into words.

Show Notes
Introduction and Conclusion music is Buddy by Bensound.com

Our family mission statement:

To seek and follow God’s will for our lives as individuals and as a united family by:


  1. Humbly acknowledging our brokenness and relying on His strength;
  2.  Being grateful for what we have and what Christ has done for us
  3.  Graciously giving our time and resources as God leads
  4.  Courageously living counter-culturally

So that each of us can have a real relationship with God and respond obediently to His calling

Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch
—Chapter 8 talks about family mission statements

1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp

Sharing is caring!

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