I Need Thee Every Hour


I absolutely love a good hymn. I have been wearing out my Joey + Rory Hymns That Are Important to Us album and every song on there speaks to my heart and soul.  When I sing I Need Thee Every Hour I have been feeling that it is what my life should look like but it isn’t always what my life actually looks like.

I need Thee, oh, I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee; 

Oh, bless me now, my Savior! I come to Thee.

I need Thee every hour, Stay Thou near by;

Temptations lose their power When Though art nigh.

We have been watching some Joyce Meyer broadcasts and on one she talked about having trouble brushing her hair and she felt like God was telling her to ask for help brushing her hair.  At first, she didn’t want to ask for help, but later decided to.  I think my initial thought is that God doesn’t want to hear from me on the trivial stuff.  What I am coming to realize is that when I bring everything to God, he will choose to work through me.

Just last week I was searching for items in my house in two different instances.  I was looking for my one year old’s shoes and my oldest daughter’s library book.  In both instances, I stopped searching frantically and sat down and prayed about it for a few seconds.  In the case of the shoes, it took a little bit. In the case of the library book, I found it a few seconds later.  If I were a betting person, I don’t think I would have found the library book right then had I not stopped to ask God’s help for it.

We wrote a family mission statement and the first thing we need to remember is to humbly acknowledge our brokenness and rely on God’s strength.  I love that relying on God is the first item on our mission statement.  I feel like we can’t accomplish the other items until we are able to rely on Him. I have the best intentions to not rely on my strength, but on His.  I can wake up in the morning fully aware of God’s presence in my life and completely forget by the time I walk out the door.  Just yesterday I was sitting in church struggling with my children’s behavior and not even thinking to ask God for help!

I have seen what God’s power can do in our lives.  I have seen God work through people in amazing ways, but he is not going to do it if we don’t go to him for help.  Going back to the song lyrics: I Need Thee Every Hour.  I am not sure that there has been a day in my life where I have been focused on God every hour.  I think there have been scary times for my family if someone is in the hospital or we are waiting to hear test results where I am very aware of God’s presence in my life and then things work out and I go on with my day depending on myself.  How arrogant and entitled I must seem to him.   Still, he wants me.

With November being the  month where we focus on thankfulness and how much we have, I also want to focus on how much I need God.  I am going to try to say a little prayer when the clock strikes every hour.

I want to say:

Dear Jesus, another hour is passing in this day and I need you.  I need you every hour.  Please help me to work for you and not myself.  Please help me to fix my eyes on you.
I love you,


My hope is that God will be an even bigger part of my day and my life.  I want him to be my whole life. Peter and I have been reading in Matthew and Jesus has some pretty intense things to say about our lives:

Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.  Matthew 10:37-39

I have tried too many times to count to “find my life” in myself and my own pursuits.  I have tried to find my life in relationships and circumstances.  It is time that I find my life in Jesus Christ because I do need him every hour.


Episode 10: Lust and Marriage

This topic would not go down in the books as our favorite topic.  We do think it is important to discuss how Satan tries to mess with our marriages through lust and pornography.  He is able to render both male and females ineffective for Christ because he gets them all tangled in the sins of (for men) lust, guilt, shame, and (for women) inadequacy, self-consciousness, and self-doubt. We want to be a chord of 3 strands for God and work with Him to increase His kingdom!


Show Notes

Introduction and Conclusion music is Buddy by Bensound.com

Blog Posts

3 Part Series from A Mother Far From Home about protecting your family from pornography


The Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer
Clean by Douglas Weiss and numerous other books can be found at the Heart to Heart Counseling Center website.
Chapter 3 of Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch

Bible Verses

1 Peter 5:8
1 Corinthians 10:13
Job 31:1
James 5:6
Philippians 4:8

Episode 9: Living with Zeal

We too often get stuck in a comfort zone and forget about our purpose for walking this Earth. God wants us to live with zeal!

Show Notes

Introduction and Conclusion music is Buddy by Bensound.com

Blog Posts

How to Get Really Living Instead of Merely Existing by Ann Voskamp on A Holy Experience
How to Focus in An Age of Distraction  by Ann Voskamp on A Holy Experience

Bible Verses

Romans 12:11

Matthew 25:13

Matthew 25:16

John 15:16

Philippians 2:1-4

Learning to Love Being Pruned

There are times in my life where I feel like God is allowing me to walk through something because he knows that it will bring me closer to him.  I usually refer to these times as pruning from John 15.

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.  John 15:1-2
If we remain in Jesus, he will prune us to be even more fruitful.  I think that pruning means that he allows us to feel unpleasant feelings and go through hard things because he wants us to grow stronger in our faith.  I feel pruned when I feel tempted to do things that I know are opposite of what God wants for me.  For example, I know that God doesn’t want me to have a mind full of worry.  Satan can see that I have a tendency to worry and he will work hard to plant those seeds of worry in my mind.  I feel like God could stop Satan from planting these seeds in my mind, but how would I ever learn how to recognize Satan’s attacks and run straight to God if I am never allowed to experience them.  I, in turn, feel like a stronger Christ follower because instead of sowing the seeds Satan planted, I can run to my Savior and know the truth of who I am.
This week has been a tough one on my mind.  Peter and I have been reading The Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer and I am convinced that the fastest way to attract the devil’s attention is to grow in your faith.  This book has been stretching me and making my mind stronger.  I have attracted Satan’s attention and for the first part of this week he has been winning.  He has been winning because I know how I should be thinking and reacting to things and I have not been going to God to get the strength to do what I need to do.  Satan has been winning because I have been refusing to accept responsibility for my actions and I have been blaming my behavior on other people.  Satan has been winning because instead of running to God’s word, I have been running to complaining, whining, and anger.  After a few poor choices, then the guilt sets in and I will often think that God doesn’t want to hear from me.
Satan wins no more!  God does not give us a mind of guilt and shame.  God wants to hear from me and he wants to offer forgiveness for my attitude and behavior.  God wants me to work for Him!  Instead of blaming those around me for my actions, I can accept responsibility for my behavior, ask forgiveness, and move on to follow God’s plan.  Instead of being mad at others around me, I can know that my struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
About a month ago I was having some bad dreams and I felt like Satan was trying to attack my sleeping.  Instead of sitting there worried and afraid I got up and read my Bible and spent some time with God.  I think that is how we are supposed to battle Satan.  When we are hurt by people’s actions, pray for them, and remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood.
I told my husband that I was sick and tired of things coming at me that I had to mentally deal with.  In my frustration I asked, “When will all of this just stop?”  Peter knowingly answered, “When you pass the test.” Ouch!  I love the man, but I hate it when he is right!  When I learn to run to God every time that I feel worried, anxious, angry, frustrated, you name it, then these things will stop coming at me so frequently.
I often look forward to times where I can have peace and I don’t need to be pruned.  If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, you will see that it seems I only write on here when I am struggling.  I think that is because I feel the closest to God when I am struggling AKA: pruning.  I don’t think I should be looking forward to the times when I have peace because in those times I am not growing.  I need to remember that he prunes me so that I can be more fruitful.  I will have that peace and rest I am looking for in Heaven when my battle here on Earth is over.  Until then…
Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Hebrews 12:1

Episode 8: What God Has Put Together, Let No One Separate (Even Our Kids)

We hear the phrase, “the days are long, but the years are short” many times during our parenting journeys.  These words are meant to make us intentional, on the ball parents.  We also need to be this way in marriage.  Let us never leave our spouse behind.  Let us not make anything in this life more important than our spouses and our Creator.  Let us be a generation that honors our spouse above ourselves. In this podcast, we will discuss staying connected to our spouse even in the chaos of parenting.
Show Notes
Introduction and Conclusion music is Buddy by Bensound.com
For Better or For Kids by Ruth and Patrick Schwenk
*Disclaimer* We have not actually read this book yet, but I have heard it referenced positively in many blog posts.  This will be one added to our reading list.
Blog Posts
4 Things We Need to Say When Marriage is Hard by Kristen Welch on We Are That Family
Tips for a (Happy) Marriage After Kids guest post by Becky Mansfield on We Are That Family
How to Keep Making a Marriage When it Seems Impossible by Ann Voskamp on A Holy Experience
Family Favorites guest post by Arlene Pellicane on We Are That Family
When Marriage is on the Backburner by Allison French on Kansas City Mom’s Blog
The Small Things that Make or Break a Marriage by Kristen Welch on We Are That Family
The Real Threat to Marriage  by Kristen Welch on We Are That Family
Bible Verses
Romans 12:10
Ephesians 4:2
Colossians 3:13

Ecclesiastes 4:2

1 Corinthians 13

Episode 7: Making the Most of Your Time

In this episode we will discuss how quickly we fall into the busyness of life and how quickly it drains the life right out of us.  Jesus tells us to remain in him, and we can’t do that when we are running around all the time. Taking a little time to think and pray about our commitments before we commit to them is a great way to find balance in our lives.
Show Notes
Introduction and Conclusion music is Buddy by Bensound.com
The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst
Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado
Blog Posts
The Intentional Jar: Making the Most of Our Time by Ali Broom on Austin City Mom’s Blog
Dear Children: Let Me Explain This Thing Called Summer by Kristen Welch on We Are That Family
How To Miss A Childhood by Rachel Stafford on Hands Free Mama
Survival Mode: What it is and How to Get Out of It by Rachel Norman on A Mother Far From Home
Bible Verses
John 15:4-5

Allowing Our Children to be Disappointed

Tonight while driving home with our one year old shrieking from the back seat, I realized how much we have grown in parenthood.  She had thrown her favorite blanket on the ground, (which she does repeatedly every car ride.)  This time her blanket was trapped in an area that I couldn’t reach.  She started crying hysterically when she realized that I wasn’t making a move to get it.  As I sat there listening to her pleas for help, I realized how far we have come in parenthood.  About five years ago, when our oldest was a baby, I would have had a hard time letting her cry.  I didn’t enjoy when she was uncomfortable and it absolutely made me fall apart when I felt like there was nothing I could do to help her feel comfortable.

As our one year old cried, I thought to myself, I think it’s okay for her to cry and feel disappointed.  In fact, it may even be good for her to experience a little discomfort.  There is no doubt that all 3 of our children are going to get knocked down by the world at some point.  How much better will it be for them when the world comes to break them, if they have felt a little discomfort in the safety of our parenting.  I want them to know that their dad and I love them, but we aren’t able, and won’t, provide them complete happiness 100% of the time.

It is very easy to spoil our children and give them things or allow them to get away with behaviors because it makes them happy.  The problem with this is that they don’t understand that we live in a sinful world.  We need discipline and a lifeline to God to make it through to our eternal home.  They don’t understand that if we give them everything they want, it won’t lead them down the path to happiness.  They don’t know that these things they are chasing are not what is best for them.  It is then our responsibility as parents to guide them to what they do need.  Are they going to be unhappy with us?  Absolutely!  Will they thank us for it later?  Probably not, but we can always hope :).  Do I feel like it will lead them to a closer relationship with God?  Yes.  I think that is the ultimate goal, isn’t it?  I would certainly allow my children to walk through some disappointment, hurt, and plenty of other yucky feelings if I felt like they were walking to God on the other side of it.

I do know that it is terribly hard to allow our children to walk through these things.  I think it is hard for God to see us walk through hard things as well.  I am pretty sure that we would love having our kids come to us for comfort when it is all said and done and even through the process.  God is wanting the same thing from us.  When life gets hard, He is there.  He is willing to walk us through all the hard stuff to get to Him.  How much better it feels on the other side when we can run into our loving Father’s arms for comfort.

So dear children of mine, are there going to be times when your dad and I allow you to walk through hard stuff without rescuing you?  Yes, there will be plenty of times and those days are going to be hard on all of us.  Just know that we love you unconditionally and that you will have a deeper understanding of God’s unconditional love for you as well.  An easy life is not always the most life giving.  Walk the hard roads and lean into your Creator when you do.  We love you!

Having the Courage Not to Fight Back

Yesterday was one of those days.  I am sure you know the ones.  It seemed like Peter and I were carrying one kid off to time out on repeat and then when one would settle down, the next one started in.  Ugh!  There was lots of disobedience, whining, crying, and just general anger/crabbiness.  I felt like I held my cool for awhile and then I came unglued and was crabby, whiny, and angry.  I didn’t deal with my children’s disobedience in the way that God is calling me to deal with it.

When my children are having rough days with their behavior I seem to end up sinning by acting in anger, expecting my children to behave well and stay self-controlled when I am not, and not taking a break and praying before dealing with their behavior.

Then I feel the shameful thoughts and fears and worries rush in:  I am a terrible mother, I am worried about my children’s souls (Thanks, Mom, for that line!), and I just feel like God is ashamed of me and I am a failure to him.

I have been trying to surrender my emotions to God but sometimes it feels like he is so far away.  I think after days like yesterday it is easy to slip into guilt and shame.  I know that God does not want me to run from him.  I know that he wants me to repent and draw near.  So that is what I am doing.  I am laying down my sins and my fears.

This world teaches that we need to fight to get ahead, take what is ours, win at all costs, and make sure that our children submit completely to our wills.  I know that God has another stance on this.  I started thinking about the movie 42 all about Jackie Robinson’s life.  Branch Rickey was telling Jackie Robinson that he couldn’t say anything when people were discriminating against him because they would make him out to be the enemy.  Jackie Robinson replied with, “You want a player who doesn’t have the guts to fight back?”  Branch Rickey answered very wisely, “No, I want a player who’s got the guts *not* to fight back.”

I thought just how much that applies in parenthood as well.  I think that I need to fight my children’s behavior to keep them behaving.  In all reality, I think that God is asking me to have the guts to not fight their behaviors with my worldly ideas and submit my worries about their behavior to him.  He is not asking for perfection, but faithfulness.  No, I did not exhibit faithfulness when I lost my temper with my children, but I do feel like I express faithfulness when I repent of those sins and entrust my children’s behavior and my parenting to God.  I know that God’s mercies are new every morning.

Episode 6: Just the Way You Are

In this episode we will discuss how God loves us just the way we are and how we need to be proud of who God made us to be.  Also, we will discuss how as parents, sometimes we can make our children feel invalidated in who they are.  We want to build up our children to be the people that God has called them to be.
Show Notes
Introduction and Conclusion music is Buddy by Bensound.com
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
The Child Whisperer by Carol Tuttle
Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic
  • Chapter 13 See Your Children


The Birth Order Book by Kevin Leman
Blog Posts
Are You a Dream Giver or a Spirit Breaker? by Michelle on Quad City Mom’s Blog
Crib Notes on This Life I Live by Rory Feek
Bible Verses
Psalm 139:13
1 Corinthians 12
Romans 12

Episode 5: Back to School Anxiety

Whether we are ready for the back to school season or not, it is upon us. We know that this season can mean different things to different people. Some may be ready to say goodbye to summer and jump into the new school year and others of us are dragging our feet. We will discuss some practical ways we can keep anxiety at bay as well as how we can give this anxiety to God.
Show Notes
Introduction and Conclusion music is Buddy by Bensound.com
Bible Verses

One of the best chapters in the Bible to read about anxiety is Matthew 6.

  • Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
  • Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Blog Posts

The Danger of Protecting Our Kids from Unhappiness by Kristen Welch

The Art of Letting Go by DesMoines Moms blog

How to Combat the Icky Days by Krystal Kolb